Rabu, 31 Januari 2018

Healthy Ornamental Plants Air Purifier Room

Ornamental Plants Anti Toxins Cheap Toxic Air Poisons. Some ornamental plants turned out not only beautify the interior and exterior of the house and beautiful to look at. But they also have healthy benefits for humans. Some of these indoor ornamental plants help clean the air inside the house, so healthy and fresh for you to breathe again.

Ornamental plants usually exist in the home garden but there is nothing wrong in the room. In addition to beautify, for the right plants can also be used for therapy and health. Things to note are the media planting, laying, maintenance, lighting, and others.

Here is a list of plants that are very useful for us, in addition to decorate the house can also be anti pollutant (absorbing toxic air / polluted to fresh again).


Also referred to as tongue-in-law plant. Ornamental plants on this one can be planted in outdoor areas. Has leaf hard, erect and pointed tip. Can be used to nourish hair, treat diabetes, haemorrhoids and malignant cancers. However, unique again it is powerful to absorb pollution and toxins, so that fit placed in pots and stored in the room.
This plant has the ability to convert CO2 into oxygen well at night. In addition, this plant also cleans the metanal in the air. Make sure there is sunlight for this beautiful plant.

