Senin, 25 Oktober 2021

Pidato Bahasa Inggris Islami Bersyukur


Naskah Pidato Tentang Bersyukur (Bhs inggris)

 In accordance with the theme of my speech this time, then of course we should first praise the presence of Allah SWT. In this way of gratitude then we will only know for sure that basically how great and great the grace and grace of God that has been given to us. Furthermore, let's not forget, of course, our prayers and greetings to the great prophet Muhammad SAW who has brought us apart from the age of ignorance. And we should also be grateful for that.

The entire congregation is grateful to be glorified by God.

Gratitude is one of the acts that have the intention to give thanks for all the favors, graces that have been given to us by God. Of course, we as believers who will not disbelieve will know that those who are grateful will be given more additional favors. It is in accordance with what has been written in the Word of Allah QS Ibrahim verse 7:

"And (remember), when your Lord announced:" If you are grateful, We will certainly increase (favors) for you, and if you are ungrateful (My favors), then surely My punishment is painful. "

The entire congregation is grateful to be glorified by God.

It would be very rude if we did not want to be grateful. Because of the favors given to us, we will certainly not be able to count them. We don't need to go too far about what favors have been given to us, when we wake up in the morning we can still open our eyes, it is already a very extraordinary favor. Then how can we not be grateful.

Then, how to be grateful ?.

The entire congregation is grateful to be glorified by God.

Gratitude is divided into 3 kinds, namely gratitude by using words or words, gratitude by using the body and gratitude by using the heart. Being grateful by using words means we will acknowledge all the favors given to us with humility. Furthermore, being grateful by using the body means behaving with deeds that reflect a servant who obeys His commandments and worshiping Him, then being grateful with the heart means that we must be like this and realize that all the favors, graces and gifts that we have received are merely- eyes of Allah SWT.

So, from now on let us continue to remember gratitude, if we get pleasure be grateful and even when we get trouble we must be grateful. Because no matter how good the hardship we are receiving, it will never exceed the pleasure we have.

I guess that's just enough of my speech. When there is a wrong word I apologize.

