Minggu, 26 November 2017


Islamic Religion News, ISLAM LAYS nice stress ON protective homes OF WORSHIP happiness TO individuals OF ALL FAITHS. i used to be deeply saddened to listen to the tragic news of shootings in Joan Sutherland Springs, Texas on day. Loss of innocent lives is often tragic news on the far side any live. it had been more grievous to find out that twenty six innocent souls World Health Organization were viciously killed had gathered to hope at a house of worship. My thoughts and prayers area unit with families and friends of the victims. the very fact that folks don't seem to be safe whereas praying at a house of worship is extraordinarily unfortunate. A Muslim Response To The Texas Shooting TWEET THIS Islam lays nice stress on protective homes of worship happiness to individuals of all faiths. In 628 AD, a delegation from St. Catherine’s religious residence visited Prophet Muhammad (peace and blessings be upon him). The Prophet gave them a letter that is termed the “Charter of Privileges.” It stated: “This may be a message from Muhammad, son of Abdullah, as a covenant to those that adopt Christianity, close to and much, we tend to area unit with them…. nobody is to destroy a house of their faith, to wreck it, or to hold something from it to the Muslims’ houses….. Their churches area unit to be revered. they're neither to be prevented from repairing them nor the holiness of their covenants. nobody of the state of (Muslims) is to refuse the covenant until the Day of Judgement (end of the world).” Thus, on behalf of me as a Muslim, every and each house of worship is extremely sacred. Muslims area unit needed to form each potential effort to guard all homes of worship and people World Health Organization pray in there. it's supported the teachings of the holy Qur’an whereby protection of cloisters, churches and synagogues is mentioned before mosques. The Qur’an states: “…And if God didn't repel some men by means that of others, there would for certain are force down cloisters and churches and synagogues and mosques, whereby the name of God is frequently commemorated” (22:41). I hope and pray that our cities and our places of worship can continually be crammed with peace and not concern. RESOURCES

Read additional at World faith News: "A Muslim Response To The Texas Shooting"

