Senin, 13 November 2017

Awas, Sukses Semu Itu Musibah Terbesar

           Sebagian manusia tertipu kesuksesan semu. Dengan melimpahnya harta , jabatan yang tinggi, anak- anak telah memiliki prestasi sehingga mudah mencari keperluan hidupnya.  Menyebabkan mereka menyangka bahwa dirinya merupakan kekasih tuhan. walaupun kehidupan nya semakin jauh dari agama, namun mereka mengira dirinya disayang tuhan. padahal menurut sabda Rasulallah SAW, tanda kecintaan Allah SWT kepada hambanya adalah hamba tersebut dimudahkan memahami agamanya. Dengan memahami agama, maka akan memahami kehendak Tuhan di setiap saat dan keadaan, serta memahami perkara yang mendatangkan keridhaan nya. Kemudian, ia mengejar perkara yang mendatangkan ke ridhaan nya maupun perkara yang mendatangkan ke murkaan nya. kemudian, ia mengejar perkara yang di ridhai-nya.

          Betapa Qarun telah tertipu dengan bergelimang nya harta. demikian pula Fira'un telah tertipu oleh kekuasaan-nya yang tinggi dihadapan rakyatnya. dan keduanya berakhir kegagalan tragis. Qarun beserta seluruh harta kekayaan nya di tenggelamkan di perut bumi, adapun Fira'un di tenggelamkan di laut merah beserta bala tentaranya. Sedangkan pada zaman Rasulullah Muhammad SAW, ada seorang yang bernama Ts'labah. Ia dikarunia kekayaan yang melimpah tapi justru tertipu, sehingga hartanya semakin menjauhkan dirinya dari agama.

Begitu banyak hikmah yang bisa kta petik dari kisah di atas, bahwa  banyaknya harta ataupun tngginya jabatan tidak menjamin semakin dekat dengan Allah SWT namun malah tertipu dengan harta dan kenikmatan dunia. Semakin jauh dari Allah SWT. Pepatah mengatakan

"Kaya Harta Ada Shodaqoh, Fakir Punya Kesabaran"

Watch out, Pseudo Success is the Biggest Calamity

          Some people are deceived by pseudo-success. With the abundance of wealth, high office, children have achievements so easy to find the necessities of life. Cause they think that he is a lover of god. although his life is further away from religion, yet they think he is loved by god. whereas according to the words of Rasulallah SAW, a sign of the love of Allah SWT to his servant is the slave is understood to understand his religion. By understanding religion, it will understand the will of God in every moment and circumstance, and understand the things that bring his pleasure. Then, he pursues the case that brings to his pleasure and the case that brought to his murkaan. then, he pursues the case in his ridhai.

          How Qarun had been deceived by his wandering treasure. likewise Fira'un has been deceived by his high power before his people. and both ended tragic failures. Qarun and all his treasures drowned in the bowels of the earth, as for Fira'un in drowning in the red sea along with his army. While at the time of the Prophet Muhammad SAW, there is a man named Ts'labah. He was blessed with abundant wealth but was deceived, so his wealth kept him away from religion.

So much wisdom that we can pick from the story above, that the amount of property or the occupancy of the position does not guarantee the closer to Allah SWT but even deceived with the treasures and pleasures of the world. The farther away from Allah SWT. Proverb says

"Rich Treasure There Shodaqoh, Fakir Got Patience"
