Menuju Puncak Optimisme Mukminin, Kaum mukminin di puncak penderitaan pun hendak nya tetap optmis. Lihatlah penderitaan Rasulullah Muhammad SAW ketika di landa kelaparan hingga perutnya di ganjal batu tetap menggali parit (khandaq) untuk menghadapi serbuan tentara sekutu . Demikian pula sahabat nabi dilanda kelaaran.Parasahabat tidak mampu memecahkan batu besar yang keras di jalur parit. Rasulullah SAW jua mengatasi kebuntuan tersebut. batu di kampak oleh Rasulullah SAW sehingga memercikan kilatan api. Demi melihat klatan api tadi, Rasulullah SAW bersabda, "Saya melihat kunci negeri Persia, Romawi, dan yaman." Ketika kaum muslimin dihimpit berbagai kesulitan berupa ancaman pasukan sekutu dalam jumlah besar, kecemasan, kelaparan, dan kelelahan, Rasulullah SAW justru memberikan kabar gembira akan kemenangan islam di masa mendatang.
Pada diri Rasulullah Muhammad SAW terdapat keteladanan semenjak lahir sudah yatim tiada berayah. Umur 6 Tahun sudah yatm piatu di tinggal wafat ibu-nya tercinta. Ia hidup sebatangkara. Abdul-Muthalib adalah seorang kakek yang baik. Nabi Muhammad SAW di pungutnya sepanjang hayatnya selama 2 tahun. Kemudian, ia hidup bersama pamannya, yakni Abu Thalib. Derita demi derita menimpanya. justru penderitaan itu menempanya menjadi seorang yang amat tangguh menghadapi berbagai tantangan dan akhirnya terpilih sebagai al -Musthafa. Memang Tuhan amat mengerti keyakinan hamba hamba nya sehingga dia berkenan mengulang ayat-ayat ringkas tapi tegas, "Maka sesungguh nya di balik kesulitan terdapat kemudahan. Sungguh ! Di dalam kesulitan terdapat kemudahan." Dengan cara pandang sedemikian rupa, maka di bali kesulitan hidup itu dapat di pastikan terkandung kemudahan, di balik menggunungnya problem dapat di pastikan terdapat jalan keluar yang jitu di masadepan.
Apabila hari ini lebih buruk dari pada hari kemarin maka ia telah celaka. Dan barang siapapada hari ini tiada peningkatan maka ia telah rugi. Adapun muslim yang har ini lebih baik dibanding hari kemarin sehingga pada esok hari menjadi lebih baik di bading hari ini, maka dialah orang yang sukses. demikian itu inti nasehat Rasulullah Muhammad SAW supaya kita senan tiasa meningkatkan ketakwaan sebagai bekalkemuliaan , kesuksessan atau keberuntungan besar di dunia hingga akhirat.
Allah SWT menegur manusia agar memperhatikan masalalunya untuk di koreksi. Kemudian hikmah yang diperoleh di gunakan sebagai bekal meningkatkan kesuksesan di masa mendatang. Dengan demikian kehdupan ni berjalan kearah peningkatan iman dan takwa. ( QS. al-Hasyr: 18).
From Valley of Dread Towards the Top of Optimism Mukminin
The believers at the peak of suffering will remain optmically. Look at the suffering of the Prophet Muhammad SAW when in the starving starvation until his stomach in the rock block still dig a trench (khandaq) to face the invasion of allied troops. Similarly, the Prophet's companion was struck by the fury. The parishioners were unable to break the hard rock in the trench. Rasulullah SAW also overcome the impasse. stone in axes by Rasulullah SAW so sparking flashes of fire. In order to see the fire, Rasulullah SAW said, "I see the keys of the land of Persia, Rome and Yemen." When the Muslims were squeezed by difficulties in the form of threats of allied forces, anxiety, hunger and fatigue, the Prophet gave the good news of the future victory of Islam.
In the Prophet Muhammad SAW exemplary since birth was fatherless fatherless. Age 6 Years old has been orphaned in the death of his beloved mother. He lived a life. Abdul-Muttalib is a good grandfather. Prophet Muhammad SAW in pungutnya throughout his life for 2 years. Later, he lived with his uncle, Abu Talib. Suffering for the pain. it is precisely the suffering that menempanya become a very tough to face various challenges and finally elected as al-Musthafa. It is true that God really understands the beliefs of his servant servants that he is pleased to repeat the concise verses but firmly, "So really behind the difficulties is the ease. With a view in such a way, then in Bali life difficulties can be ensured contained convenience, behind mounting problems can be sure there is a surefire way out in the future.
If today is worse than yesterday then he has been wretched. And the goods on this day there is no increase then he has lost. As for Muslims who har is better than yesterday so that on the next day to be better in bading today, then he is a successful person. so it is the core advice of the Prophet Muhammad SAW that we senan tiasa increase piety as bekekemuliaan, kesuksessan or great luck in the world to akhira.
Allah (SWT) admonish man to pay attention to his problem for correction. Then the wisdom obtained in use as a provision to increase success in the future. Thus this naturedness goes towards increasing faith and piety. (Surah al-Hasyr: 18).