Rabu, 08 November 2017

Kata Kata Mutiara Islami Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

"Islam Is the way of life", so one said when new found hidayah and become part of the Islamic world. Islam is the way of life towards the arrangement and renewal of life in a better, more meaningful, and more humane direction.

If we have known Islam, more than just rules and formulas, we will discover how happy those who have spent so much time, thought, and energy to prosper this compassionate religion.

For that, hopefully our presentation of the word wise this time is strung together in English can be a matter of reflection or just add your insight. Happy reading...

 Where there is a soul, there is a faith

Selama masih ada jiwa, pasti ada keyakinan didalamnya

 Every act that is beneficial is charity (sedakah)

Tak ada tindakan yang lebih bermanfaat selain sedekah

 The person who saves himself from vulgar language will find falaah (success)

Barangsiapa yang menjaga dirinya dari perkataan yang kotor dan kasar akan menemukan kesuksesan

 The person who points out and looks for faults in others, opens (the door of exposing) his faults to others

Orang yang sibuk mengurusi dan mencari-cari kesalahan orang lain, tidak lain hanya akan membuka kesalahan dirinya sendiri

The person who assists a brother at times of difficulty, then Allah will assist him in his time of need.

Orang yang menolong saudaranya ketika mengalami kesulitan, maka Allah akan membantunya ketika ia membutuhkan pertolongan

 Do not become despondent when things go against your desires, just pray and struggle that's how islam will teach you

Jangan bersedih jika sesuatu terjadi tidak sesuai dengan keinginan anda terus berdoa dan berusaha, begitulah islam memberikan anda hikmah

 Do not become arrogant when everything is going according to your desire

Jangan menjadi sombong bila semuanya berjalan sesuai keinginan anda

 You cannot have an islamic life and a mind of unbeliever
Anda takkan bisa hidup dalam nuansa islam jika memiliki pikiran yang mengarah kepada kekufuran
