Minggu, 19 November 2017

A Successful Tradition Being Exemplified To Prophet Muhammad

www.article-islami.com, The way out of all calamities and problems of the ummah is patience and prayer. Forbearance is the determination of the heart depends on Allah SWT trust him to surrender all affairs of the Hereafter to him. And salat is a very effective and effective practice to improve. And in peroses self-improvement, humans are in demand strong intention to leave bad habits at the same time looking for a way out of various problems that twist.

          The habit of the prophets and apostles of the holy men again genius, in the face of the complicated problems is that they are quick to face their god in consultation with the supreme consultant (Allah SWT) through the practice of pardu prayers and circumcision.

          Indeed His Prophet Muhammad SAW. Ahlu baitnya and his companions have succeeded in making prayer as a liberator of the 1001 problem of life into a life full of guidance and grace that lead to the triumph of the hereafter world.

          How savvy Prophet Muhammad SAW advises us with prayer as liberator of the 1001 troubles in a very simple and brief advice, "Pray as you see me in prayer." The short message is not limited to the three sides of the prayer (Kafiyah, Jasadan and Qolban) which has been mentioned before, but includes all the sides, including the aqlan side, where the mind will be enlightened to perform the taghyir towards the good in all aspects of life.

